I apologize in advance for this post. I feel guilty for bringing it here, however, I feel like I'm walking under a dark cloud since last night and I need to download the information somewhere to not carry it around by myself all day. This stemmed from a late night conversation I had with my mom about my grandfather, and BF was asleep by the time I got off the phone. I'll tell him about it later, but I just wasn't ready to tell him last night and there was zero time this morning. I thought about messaging a couple of different people about it, but have changed my mind. It's my brother's 3 year wedding anniversary, so I didn't want to bring it up with him even though he's already aware of it. I was going to message my ex-H because he was always very close to my grandfather and still writes him notes and the like. But he's getting married in a week and a half and I didn't want to make him sad about it. I've thought about messaging my other brother, but I just don't know.
My mom standardly sends an update email each evening around the same time about my grandfather and how he was doing that day during her visit. However, I didn't get one last night, which made me suspect it didn't go well, so eventually I emailed her to ask. She wrote back and told me that it was an awful visit, he went berserk and it was just really terrible. She didn't offer details, but instead told me to call if I wanted to know more, so I did.
Basically her visit started out fairly normally. They were talking and things were OK, but not great. However, at some point "a switch flipped" and he was suddenly very angry. I can't remember everything she told me, as it was all kind of an overwhelming blur. It started with him asking if she got his letter. She asked what letter and he told her he'd written letters to everyone. She told him no, she hadn't gotten anything and asked what the letter said. He told her he'd asked everyone to meet there (at the hospice house) that night. She asked why and he said "because I'm going to die tonight". She told him, no, he wasn't going to die and he told her that actually, he thought he'd died last night. At some point he also asked her how the previous night had gone, and my mom asked what he meant. He told her that he had died the night before and wanted to know how it went.
Anyway, when she told him he wasn't going to die he got frustrated and said that Bob (his older brother who is currently in a nursing home in Illinois suffering from Alzheimers) was supposed to be there, too. My mom was of course very confused, but the conversation went on. She said that he kept telling her he was in hell, this was hell, this was torture and he got very agitated. He was yelling for help, but she didn't know why. She tried to calm him down by taking his hand and talking to him. She asked what he wanted or needed. He told her, very coldly and clearly, "I.WANT.TO.DIE." She told him that while it was hard for her, it was OK for him to go if he was ready. He then looked down at her hand and asked, "Why are you holding my hand?" Keep in mind that basically everything he said after the switch flip was full of venom and anger.
He also told her at various times, "I'm dead", asked her why she was just sitting there. She asked what she was supposed to be doing and he said, "I can't believe you're just sitting there doing nothing." She again asked what she was supposed to be doing and he told her, "GO GET THE ATIVAN", but then added, "But it's not like they're going to give it to you. They won't give it to you." She asked if he was upset with her for something and he told her no, he was mad at himself. She reminded him it was not his fault that he's sick, but it made no difference. Finally my mom got a nurse and they gave him Ativan and Morphine. It doesn't sound like it was very long before he was drugged up enough to calm down.
The whole thing sounded HORRIFYING. As my mom was relaying this to me, still sounding shell-shocked and exhausted, I had this really unnerving idea of it being like The Exorcist, or someone possessed by a personality not their own. My grandfather doesn't yell. He doesn't speak like that to people. It wasn't him. But he was saying all of these things and my mom kept talking about how disgusted he looked and how angry he sounded. She also said she hadn't heard his voice that strong and clear in WEEKS.
Luckily, my mom called my stepdad at some point to tell him what was going on, and though she told him not to come to the hospice, he did. I'm grateful that he was there for her because I truly can't imagine how upsetting this was. The hospice nurse told her this is a very common part of the process, however upsetting it is. My mom asked if this meant the end was near, and the nurse told her that in some cases this can last weeks, and in others it goes faster. They really just don't know.
My mom very guiltily told me that she wants him to go, to end his suffering, and I had to assure her over and over that she shouldn't feel guilty about that. He's ready to go. I think that he's told us that nicely and calmly, but that he is getting frustrated that he's still here when he doesn't want to be, and this outburst, part of the process or not, was definitely his subconscious speaking out. He's angry at his body for not letting him rest. I reminded my mom that dying is what he wants, and that it will be a relief to him, and so it's OK for us to want him to have that relief.
They put him in adult diapers this week because he's too weak to go to the bathroom on his own. One last indignity if he's aware of it. My mom said he's barely eaten, even less than before lately. She said she had to look away the other day when they sat him up in bed and she saw how truly gaunt he has become. Yesterday he told her he'd had a couple of bites of applesauce, things like that. For a whole day. He's refusing meds, but they're apparently not a huge deal to not take considering his condition. He's having more and more hallucinations or false memories. There are the things like asking people to look behind doors that aren't there, but there are also just the smaller things like him telling my mom that my previously MIA brother was harping on other brother about setting up a monthly lunch on the one day when they ended up at the hospice together. I know it sounds like a reasonable thing for normal people, but I would bet $100 that didn't happen on either side. We just don't know what to believe anymore.
The idea of this lasting weeks makes me ill. He will just get more gaunt, more incoherent, more helpless. I am not a religious person, but I am wishing for his freedom from his pain and misery. I want him to go be with my grandma finally. He is done here.
My mom said that aside from not wanting him to go today (she doesn't want the day of his death to forever coincide with my brother's wedding anniversary), she's ready for him to go when it's time. My uncle and aunt are coming Saturday afternoon, and my mom said that at this point, she's not even sure she wants them to see him like this. It's bad. She also said that she's glad I came when I did because I got three good visits and only one bad one while I was there, and my visit was overall positive. But he turned a corner for the worse only a few days later, and last night was definitely a new low point.
It feels awful to wish for a family member to leave this earth. But this is no life anymore, not in any form my grandfather would have wanted. He's here against his will at this point and is more than ready to move on. I hope it comes soon, and I hope it comes quickly, the way he said he wanted it. He's been through enough.
Again, I apologize for this post. I don't want to bring everyone down with me, but I just needed to share this somewhere this morning for my own sanity. Any good thoughts or prayers or whatever you can offer would be appreciated.