How on earth is it already November? I feel like I just got used to October and now it's gone, and it took the daylight with it.
It's really crazy to think that Thanksgiving is just three weeks away. Three weeks from today I'll hopefully be at BF's family's house, having survived a crazy holiday drive with all of the other kind souls in the DC metro area trying to get out of town. We plan on leaving really early Wednesday morning, so I'll be heading over there Tuesday night after work.
My mom emailed me this week to ask for Christmas ideas, which is even crazier. My firm sent out their email about our holiday party, which will be on December 11th this year. I'm really excited about it, as always, but more so this year because I'll get to bring BF, and my friend A is probably bringing her boyfriend, and they get along pretty well (based on the one time they've met!). I think it will be nice for them to have one another as company.
I don't know that I'll buy another party dress, as I just don't wear them enough for that to make much fiscal sense, but you never know. I need to take inventory of my party dresses and see what I have to work with! Maybe I can use one I have and mix it up with different jewelry or hair or shoes.
Again, I can't get over that I'm talking about Thanksgiving, holiday parties and Christmas!
BF is coming over tonight, as he does on Wednesdays. I think we are going to go see "Birdman" and have a late dinner at home. I have some fish fillets in the fridge, some jasmine rice and steamer veggies, so that should be fairly painless to manage.
We got to spend the whole Halloween weekend together, which was lovely. His daughter had a lock-in at her school Friday and plans with her Mom Saturday. I got off work a couple of hours early on Friday and headed out his way. We got our new fire pit set up and fiery in the driveway, pulled up some chairs and spent the next few hours warming ourselves by the fire and handing out candy. It felt so old school Halloween, with tons of kids out trick or treating, and parents with most of them, some of them dressed up, too. Everyone was so polite and the costumes were great, and I just had the best time!
We closed out the night ordering pizza and watching Halloween, which seems ideal!
Saturday we ran some errands and did some shopping, had a crockpot roast and veggies for dinner and watched football while getting a little tipsy together. It was a nice evening and I laughed until my stomach hurt and I couldn't breathe more than once! Sunday was leftovers for lunch, NFL and cooking dinner together before I headed home. Love that man. We had a lot of really good convos over the weekend and I love continuing to learn new things about him. Learning about someone's past and how they've gotten where they are can really offer such good insight into who they are now and why, and I love watching the pieces come together!
Work day is wrapping up in less than an hour and I'm so ready. Can't wait to go home and change out of work clothes and into comfy movie clothes so I can spend an hour in a theater being entertained and maybe holding my boyfriend's hand sometimes. <3